The Blaze Board has instituted the following policy regarding head injuries and concussions:
- All Blaze Coaches are to complete the CDC Concussion Awareness training module.
- If a player receives a forceful blow to the head or body that results in rapid movement of the head, he/she will be removed from the game or training immediately.
- The player should be checked for signs and symptoms of concussion as outlined on the CDC concussion information sheet. If any signs are observed, the player should receive medical attention.
- Even if no symptoms observed, in any instance of a suspected head injury, parents should have their child evaluated by a medical professional.
- If a concussion is suspected via observed symptoms and/or the severity of the impact, he/she may not return to play without clearance from a Medical Doctor.
While this may seem rather "strict" or cautious, we believe the potential long-term effects on a child from concussions and/or head injuries justify our stance.
We encourage you to review the CDC materials linked above for your own awareness. As more and more information and research points to the potential long-term negative health and quality of life impact of failure to properly identify, treat, and recover from head injuries, we want to set the bar high to protect our players.

Honeoye Falls Travel Soccer Club
P.O. Box 61
Honeoye Falls New York 14472